171: Melting due to the heat of friction

So, yeah. I had a dream last night that I was composing a new piece for episode 171 of the stopGOstop podcast. This is unusual for me; my dream life is, well, limited. My nightly walks through my subconscious mind are, kind of boring.

135: Small Things

As the world slides sideways, episode 135 of the podcast focuses on a collage of closeup and foley recordings, with occasional accompaniment by computer synthesized contrabass and tuba. The recordings include: opening a can of seltzer, pouring water, semi-rhythmic rubbing and tapping glass and cardboard, opening kitchen cabinet doors, futzing with a tape measure and cordless drill.

130: Oh, life is toil and love is trouble

An old song on a computer generated piano; field and foley recordings; miscellaneous bits and pieces of digital sounds; a sine waves; the ocean; a train.

Episode 130 of the podcast re-edits past episodes as an accompaniment to collaged piano based on the folk song The Housewife’s Lament.