119: Walking home from the mall

A binaural recording of a walk from Cross County Mall to our house in Mount Vernon. An hour long walk through lower Westchester County, in the suburbs of New York City where my wife and I have lived for the last four years. I refereed to it as the Cross Country Mall in the recording… a verbal mistake I have made over and over again. A quick note: the next couple of episodes of the pod are going to focus on field recordings in the NYC region. A sort of tribute to the 13 years I have lived here as I get ready to move to San Diego later this summer.

110: The scale of the issue or the deepest shallow

stopGOstop presents The scale of the issue or the deepest shallow, an audio collage featuring recording about Charles Darwin, 4K televisions, the environment, materialism, the Cult of Pan, field recordings, digital signal processing and and so much more!!!!

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